WJM - Woodhaven Jame Masjid
WJM stands for Woodhaven Jame Masjid
Here you will find, what does WJM stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Woodhaven Jame Masjid? Woodhaven Jame Masjid can be abbreviated as WJM What does WJM stand for? WJM stands for Woodhaven Jame Masjid. What does Woodhaven Jame Masjid mean?Woodhaven Jame Masjid is an expansion of WJM
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Alternative definitions of WJM
- We're Just Mean
- Western Journal of Medicine
- Wild Jack Monroe
- We're Just Mean
- We're Just Mean
- William Jonathan Mayo
- Washington Junior Miss
- Women, Juniors, and Masters
View 17 other definitions of WJM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- WOTM Woodside On The Move
- WII Woori It Institute
- WAMCSC Word Alive Ministries Community Service Corporation
- WGM Word of Grace Ministries
- WMPDTX Word of Mouth Productions - Dallas, TX
- WCTNMI Words - Creativity - Things N Me Inc.
- WERC Worker Education and Resource Center
- WA Workforce Alliance
- WDE Workforce Development Employer
- WPTI Workforce Professionals Training Institute
- WAC Working Against Cancer
- WE Working Essentials
- WISENY Working In Support of Education, New York
- WS Working in the Solution
- WPUSA Working Partnerships USA
- WT Working Today
- WW Working Wardrobe